HAIO Healthcare Surge Solutions
posted April 29th, 2020 in Thought Leadership
by E4H
The Hospital Acquired Infections Organization (HAIO) was founded in 2013 to explore facilities improvements for infection control thorough a collaborative design environment, involving multiple Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) companies, and healthcare systems, in a collaborative, non competitive design and innovation environment.
In March 2020, HAIO initiated a Task Force to provide a forum for sharing information, and to develop best practices for COVID-19 Surge Solutions for Post Acute Care patients. Over 140 participants from over 10 healthcare systems and 40 AEC companies donated their time to five Task Force remote meetings, and the numerous remote meetings of the four sub committees. Dale Taglienti and Kevin Neumann both Partners from E4H Boston participated in extensive discussions, providing recommendations and solutions for the HAIO Task Force. HAIO Healthcare Surge Solutions is the result of the collaborative efforts of the Task Force. In addition, E4H’s contribution to the planning and design solutions are extracted from E4H COVID-19 Task Force Surge Solutions.