E4Hcares Dallas Kicks Off Initiative for Homeless Recovery Center

The Dallas office ramps up their 2021 E4Hcares with an initiative to help and engage a community center in need.
The Bridge, a local homeless recovery center is open 24/7 and offers basic needs services such as hot showers, nutritious meals, haircuts as well as intensive services (physical/mental health evaluations and care management services) for over 800 individuals every day, including a night shelter for 300 individuals a night. This shelter has focused on homeless recovery since it’s creation in 2008 to not only provide a means of community support and transitional housing, but also to get those in need adjusted to daily living and to move into permanent housing.
When a guest transitions into a home of their own, they often lack the resources for cleaning, cooking, and sleeping. As a way to help these new graduates, The Bridge has been assembling “welcome baskets” of basic necessities. E4Hcares Dallas is looking for help to fill these “welcome baskets” using the Welcome Basket Guide. If you would like to contribute your time, messages of encouragement are also happily accepted.
An Amazon Wish List of Items, that their guests have requested is also provided. Monetary donations can be made here.
Donations will be gathered in the Dallas office until March 5, 2021.